Tag Archives: puff pastry

Almost In The Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay’s Beef Wellington

9 Feb

So this is the ultimate recipe to me. It was the one thing (aside from the Jamaican Beef Patties) that I wanted to learn to make when I moved to LA. Well I’m here and I still haven’t attempted it. Gordon Ramsay has said that he’s cooked this thousands of times and is considered to be one of his signature dishes. I think what scares me about this dish is the fact that the beef is wrapped in a puff pastry and you have to just trust the timing and temperature to make sure the beef is cooked. Its only until you cut it will you know if the beef wellington is cooked well. If its undercooked, you’re fubared. Because you can’t exactly stitch it back together and pop it back in the oven.

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In the Kitchen with Jamie Oliver’s Delicious Chicken Pot Pie

6 Feb

I’ve always wanted to make a chicken pot pie. I found a delicious recipe on a bunch of blogs but couldn’t find it anywhere on JamieOliver.com. So I’m hoping it’s actually a Jamie Oliver recipe. I also found two other recipes from Nigella (which you know will be tasty) and the another from Barefoot Contessa, which I wasn’t too sure about. But for rustic British grub, Jamie Oliver is always someone I can count on. His food is so homely and delicious – it was exactly what I was looking for. This recipe has a twist, it also includes sausages! You don’t have to add it but it’s oh so good! I’ve also made adjustments to the recipe, not a lot, but a tiny bit. Sorry for the lack of pics on this one! I was a bit preoccupied 😉

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