Tag Archives: wontons

My First Dumpling Marathon

1 Jun

I’ve been craving Chinese food lately. This past Memorial Day weekend brought me to the Asian grocery store where I purchased all the ingredients to make them. And yesterday I dedicated myself to an all day dumpling marathon. I’ve made dumplings before but never have I made them for 8 hours! That’s a solid work day! I felt like I was in working a rice patty field or had a dumpling business! Talk about work force hoe. My arms ached and my back hurt. But hundreds of these suckers later, I had a stocked freezer. B said that in my sleep that night, my hands were making grabbing motions. Yes, I was dreaming dumplings.

In the Kitchen with Wontons

27 Jan

After B and I hit up Din Tai Fung last week, we decided we’d go to one of the many Chinese grocery stores in the area. I wrote out a list of “must haves” because this chick was going to stock the fuck up. I walked into 99 Ranch Market with focus and determination. I didn’t go balls out and get everything, but I got what I could cook immediately, or items that could freeze well. $100 later, I had ingredients to make wonton.

So the next day, I continued my dumpling fest and made my wontons. There are tons of ways to make these and though I would have liked to add more ingredients, what I ended making will do just fine. Since I can make these with my eyes closed, I don’t have a recipe written down. What I do have are pics. But they’re super easy to make and there are tons of recipes online but I can’t comment on their taste (ahem, Kung Pao Chicken!). Plus, I’m not sure how my mama would feel if I posted her recipe online.

Mixed filling

Wrapped wonton

Cooked wonton