Tag Archives: environment documentaries

Oscar Nominated Documentary: Waste Land

15 Feb

As you know, I’m running down the five Oscar Nominated Documentaries and so far I’ve discussed Exit through the Gift Shop, GasLand, and Restrepo. Next up Waste Land. Here’s another Sundance Film Festival premiere that I heard a lot about while working the fest. I didn’t catch it, but it came to Toronto for Hot Docs just a few months later and it was on my list of films that I couldn’t miss! It’s really difficult for me to make the time to watch films during the festival, but I made it for this one. Let me tell you, it was the best film I saw at the fest. Truly.

This doc was not only moving, but was just such a well told story about the most unglamorous subject: garbage. There was so much heart in the movie from the artist, Vik, who travels to Brazil’s largest landfill to create art out of its garbage, to the garbage pickers who Vik meets. You connect with everyone in this film and want to know more about the people who spend their lives picking up garbage. And you hope that this experience makes a positive impact in their lives. But like all movies, they end. Though there is an update when the credits roll, their lives continue on.

Verdict: I’ve seen a lot of docs this past year and Waste Land by far deserves this Oscar. It has everything a doc film should have and best of all, you see how Vik not only affects the people he meets but vice versa. But I’m unsure if this film will actually win. I have a feeling Restrepo may take it. But I’m telling you, Waste Land should get it. Period.

But wait there’s one more. Up next Inside Job.

Oscar Nominated Documentary: GasLand

7 Feb

As you know, I’m running down the five Oscar Nominated Documentaries and last time I discussed Exit through the Gift Shop. Second on that list is GasLand. Just like Exit and many of the other Oscar nominated docs, GasLand also premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. I just recently watched this film. I had heard great things but holy cow. This movie made me beeline to Google and research water contamination, and specially the state of water in LA. This doc explores the state of tap water across America and it scared the bajesus out of me. Who the hell can light their water on fire? That is not normal!
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