Oscar Nominated Documentary: GasLand

7 Feb

As you know, I’m running down the five Oscar Nominated Documentaries and last time I discussed Exit through the Gift Shop. Second on that list is GasLand. Just like Exit and many of the other Oscar nominated docs, GasLand also premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. I just recently watched this film. I had heard great things but holy cow. This movie made me beeline to Google and research water contamination, and specially the state of water in LA. This doc explores the state of tap water across America and it scared the bajesus out of me. Who the hell can light their water on fire? That is not normal!

Though the doc can be a bit repetitive at times, the subject matter is so daunting that you forgive the structure. Like many environmental docs, there is a call to action. But I think what’s better than the call to action is filmmaker Josh Fox’s ability to educate audiences on natural gases and its effects on tap water. I urge people to watch this film, even if the film is structurally flawed. You will be utterly shocked at what you’ll see.

Verdict: This is a great environmental doc. It’s an eye opener that’s for sure. Will it win the Oscar though? Nope! Not this one… It has potential and the subject matter is importmant. But I just don’t think it has the stuff to take it home.

Up next Restrepo.

One Response to “Oscar Nominated Documentary: GasLand”

  1. Michael cox February 25, 2011 at 7:02 pm #

    Energy by corp. Greed sorry I forgot greed is good or gas is good or gas is god or dog spelled backward is GOD oh my god my terrier has gas! We are rich but don’t drink the water! Oh he’ll let’s invade another country to get Gas

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