Death or Peach: The Bleeding

18 Feb

So I just recently watched this trailer for The Bleeding. Really, another vampire movie? Really? Come on! And Vinnie Jones with long hair? Is he supposed to be Van Helsing? There’s no way I can be kind about this one. This movie looks horrible. It almost looks like a mock skit on SNL. It was hard not to laugh.

Vinnie Jones (aka Van Helsing) in The Bleeding

Worst part, this film has been around a while. It’s listed on IMDB as a 2009 production! Looks like it took them two years to get a distributor and will finally be coming to theatres on February 25 and then immediately on DVD on March 1. Ouch! Guess they’re not anticipating much revenue on this one! So what do you think about this film?

My Vote: DEATH. There’s just no way around this one.

2 Responses to “Death or Peach: The Bleeding”

  1. grandpasapron February 18, 2011 at 9:04 am #

    Kat von D??!! They must have cast her at her peak celebrity. Too bad for them she has hooked up with JJ (= reputation killer). The gal does have a great make-up line though!

    • deathandpeaches February 18, 2011 at 9:51 am #

      I know right? Kat Von D is in it. I suppose this is her first film. Too bad it had to be this one!

      She has a make up line? Don’t they all….

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