Addicted to Martin Solveig + Dragonette’s HELLO

13 Feb

I can’t get enough of this song by Martin Solveig and Dragonette. I don’t hear this song on the radio here in LA for some reason. But when I stream Toronto radio stations online, it’s always on! Gotta love Dragonette and CanCon. 😉 And I love this song – and the video. Take a listen.

3 Responses to “Addicted to Martin Solveig + Dragonette’s HELLO”

  1. facebook layouts February 15, 2011 at 2:27 am #

    thnx bro

    • butterandpopcorn February 17, 2011 at 12:33 pm #

      this is huge up here (Toronto) and has been for months. Sometimes, rarely, our radio is a bit more accepting. Great blog!

      • deathandpeaches February 17, 2011 at 1:23 pm #

        Thanks so much for your comment! I moved to LA just recently from Toronto and the one thing I miss is the music. Don’t get me wrong, the music here is pretty great and there are always tons of gigs on a nightly basis. But HELLO is nowhere to be found. But hey, thanks goodness I can stream Toronto radio online. 🙂 Such a great song!

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