Death or Peach: HappyThankYouMorePlease

8 Feb

Josh Radnor / Ted Mosby at Sundance Film Festival 2010

I remember hearing that Ted Mosby could be seen grabbing coffee on Main Street at the Sundance Film Festival last year. But that street is so congested! Unless you’re beside them, spotting celebs just gets lost on you. Celebs congregate at Sundance whether or not they have a film that’s part of the festival. I figured Teddy was staring in some little film, blah blah, same ol’. Turned out he wrote, directed and starred in a little film. Not so little. Sundance is huge supporter of American filmmakers, American films, and American themes. But I was wondering if Radnor’s film, HappyThankYouMorePlease, was accepted because of merit, or because it got a little lucky. You know there are always crappy films at festivals. You remember Edison right? Oh no you don’t? That’s because it went straight to DVD two years after it premiered AND closed the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival. They brought in all the talent (about 8 actors) and Morgan Freeman got a standing ovation. But nothing could save that film. If I wasn’t sitting near the front, I would have walked out. It was so bad.

HappyThankYouMorePlease got some buzz at Sundance though there were some lukewarm reviews. The first thing I read was this, a script review that was published only 6 months prior to its world premiere. The script reviewer was surprised and impressed that Radnor could actually hold his own as a screenwriter. Well look at that, Radnor could just be a bona fide talent. Though I missed the film at Sundance (I didn’t see a single film at that fest!), Anchor Bay Films just released its trailer. And it looks good. It completely fits the bill of a festival film: Little Miss Sunshine, Juno, Garden State. You know the genre. You love those films too. But I’m wondering if he’ll pull a Zach Braff and step on the brakes after this film. (Why hasn’t Zach Braff made a film since Garden State?)

I actually don’t think HappyThankYouMorePlease will live up to those festival indy films I’ve listed above. Some have already said that it’s been lacking a bit of meat. Still, it took home the audience award for best dramatic feature at Sundance. HappyThankYouMorePlease opens March 4, 2011. But in the meantime, check out trailer. What do you think?

My vote: PEACH. This trailer looks great – though Malin Ackerman’s get up is spooking me out!

2 Responses to “Death or Peach: HappyThankYouMorePlease”

  1. Adrienne Jenkins April 16, 2011 at 12:20 pm #

    Looks like this year’s 500 Days of Summer.

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