127 Hours Later

25 Jan

When I’m working the film festivals, I barely get to watch films. I typically ask media, producers, publicists and distributors what they’ve watched. Their loves, hates and what they think is going to do well for the year. I always ask about the films that get pre-fest buzz. On that list was 127 Hours. We all know the story. A lot of the people said the “plot” was weak and though emotionally charged, there just wasn’t enough substance. Mainly because you know the story and you’re just waiting for the inevitable. The amputation is the movie and that only takes up 3 minutes. James Franco is amazing and Danny Boyle is a fantastic filmmaker. That’s what they said, in a nutshell.

Before watching it I watched James Franco on Inside the Actor’s Studio. He retells a hilarious story about meeting Danny Boyle and how he almost didn’t get this part because Danny thought he was high! Watch it here.

When I finally watched 127 Hours I actually agree with my colleagues. But the lack of story is forgiving because the emotional journey is the real story. When the news broke a few years ago about a mountain climber amputating his arm, it was a great news story. But after watching the movie, I had to read more about this guy. I tried to find his videos that he shot when he was trapped. I found his book online and started reading bits and pieces. It is insane what this guy went through.

James Franco is so brilliant in this movie. But what makes the movie so emotional, rich, charged and raw is Danny Boyle. He is a phenomenal filmmaker and he makes you feel everything with or without actors. The opening credits are also bad ass… You’ll know what I mean if you watch it. It’s as though he sets the timer on the film. Just brilliant. And the music. We all know how Danny Boyle uses music in his films. “A Lovely Day” was perfection. I have to say I’m a bit disappointed he didn’t get an Oscar nomination. He really deserved it.

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