Tag Archives: tv series

Addicted to Sons of Anarchy

14 Jun

So I guess I was in the dark the last three years. But the light switched on when Katey Sagal won the Golden Globe earlier this year for her role in Sons in Anarchy. Sons of what? I wasn’t quite sure what Sons of Anarchy was but I love that she won. My girlfriends started watching the show and urged me to follow suit. So, I said what the hey and started season one a few weeks ago. Well! I had no idea what happened but I was ADDICTED. B and I watched a three season marathon in two weeks. Every night – Sons of Anarchy. We were like addicts. And when it was all over, I felt uneasy. Knowing I had to wait for the fall for a new season, dispensed once a week with commercials put me straight into withdrawal. Luckily, I still have Game of Thrones. 😉

See what all the fuss is about:

Addicted to An Idiot Abroad

16 Feb

A few weeks ago I saw a preview for An Idiot Abroad. Premise: Ricky Gervais and longtime friend Stephen Merchant are sending their uncultured colleague, Karl Pilkington to visit the 7 Wonders of the World. Will it open his eyes or will he hate every second? Ricky calls An Idiot Abroad, “The most expensive practical joke I’ve ever done.”

Now tell me you don’t want to watch this? If you’re a fan of Ricky, Stephen and Karl (which I am) you will love this show. I have been peeing my pants through each episode. But what I found most surprising was that I didn’t find Karl to be such an idiot. I know, I know. Yes, he says things that are shocking but in An Idiot Abroad he always acts reasonable. As funny as his explanations are, he still has that “reasonable” approach. I know, I sound daft! I am loving this show.

Check out the trailer and some quotes from Karl during his adventures.

Karl Pilkington in China

Karl Pilkington in India

Karl Pilkington in Jordan