Tag Archives: ROM

Discovering the LACMA

23 Feb

In Toronto, we have tons of museums. Arts and culture is thriving. I would visit the AGO and the ROM quite frequently. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I asked around what the big museums were. Every city has a major museum. It may not be on the calibre of the Louvre, but a museum none the less. Many people suggested I visti the Getty Museum. The architectural is quite beautiful but I found the art itself, not so much. Sorry Getty, you and I just aren’t a match. But I did some more research and I found the LACMA. And yesterday, on President’s Day, we had our first date. And it went well.

On Holiday Monday’s the LACMA is free. How awesome is that? I love free access to museums. It reminds me of London where almost all the museums are free to enter. Like the Getty, the LACMA has many outdoor components. It’s quite beautiful, but I found the wayfinding quite difficult. I just didn’t really know where I was going and what I was supposed to see. Luckily there were tons of docents around to guide you in the right direction. I only explored a portion of the LACMA and saw some pretty cool stuff. And I can’t wait to go back to see the rest.

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My fave piece and possibly the most popular is the outdoor installation “Urban Light” which sits on Wilshire Boulevard. I couldn’t resist taking a photo too! See where else the Urban Light has appeared here.

Urban Light in No Strings Attached

Urban Light with cast of Glee for Vanity Fair Magazine