Tag Archives: Crime

Addicted to Sons of Anarchy

14 Jun

So I guess I was in the dark the last three years. But the light switched on when Katey Sagal won the Golden Globe earlier this year for her role in Sons in Anarchy. Sons of what? I wasn’t quite sure what Sons of Anarchy was but I love that she won. My girlfriends started watching the show and urged me to follow suit. So, I said what the hey and started season one a few weeks ago. Well! I had no idea what happened but I was ADDICTED. B and I watched a three season marathon in two weeks. Every night – Sons of Anarchy. We were like addicts. And when it was all over, I felt uneasy. Knowing I had to wait for the fall for a new season, dispensed once a week with commercials put me straight into withdrawal. Luckily, I still have Game of Thrones. 😉

See what all the fuss is about:

Remembering I Saw The Devil

10 Mar

I know I said I never have time to watch films during festivals but I happened to see I Saw The Devil during TIFF 2010. I watched it by complete accident. I had two hours to kill and decided to make use of my accreditation and watch a flick. I literally flipped through the P&I book and picked the film that a) had the shortest line which means I’ll get a seat b) was within the two hour time frame and c) that started in the next 5 minutes. I also try to avoid films that will be in the cinema in the next month. I Saw The Devil screened in the Midnight Madness program, which means it’s a horror film. But I didn’t read the synopsis or even notice what program it was in. I wish I had, but I just rolled with it.

And the film starts out with an intense bang which prompted me to flip through the book. I noticed it was a film by Jee-woon Kim, who is one of the best genre filmmakers out there. I was in for a treat and a deadly ride. Without going into too much detail, I was floored by some of the scenes in this film. There is one particular scene where a 360 camera angle goes round and round and round, spinning out of control and into death. It is insane.

I don’t much care for horror, but this film is so intensely suspenseful. I actually stayed for most of the film. But alas my blackberry was going off and my time with horror had to end. I think I missed about 2 minutes and that ain’t bad! And neither was the movie.

Synopsis: When his pregnant wife becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, a secret agent blurs the line between good and evil in his pursuit of revenge.

I Saw The Devil is in theatres now.