Trending: Barefoot and Underwear

25 May

I’ve talked about how LA can be a super weird city. Mainly because I’ve witnessed some wacky things. One thing I’m starting to understand is the LA fashion. And I’m not talking fashionable. There is a clear distinction. I’m strictly talking about selection – ie. what people chose to wear on a day to day basis. I’ve witnessed sweatpants and heels, winter gear in the heat, and most recently the raccoon tail. But one fashion “statement” that perplexes me is the underwear. Yes underwear. I am not even exaggerating. I’ve seen a few people (mainly in Starbucks) who come in prancing around in their panties. Sometimes they wear pantyhose underneath, I guess for stylistic purposes. But really, does that make a difference? YOU’RE IN YOUR UNDERWEAR! And I guess my real question is, if you’re wearing your undies over your pantyhose, are you wearing another pair of undies underneath that? I’ve since called these panty-wearing women (who are sometimes in their 50s) Pussycat Dolls.

Pussycat Dolls

Remember right before Britney Spears balded herself she was snapped coming out of a public washroom barefoot? I think it was at a gas station! Then she made it into a habit and before people knew it they realized she may have been doing this for a while. Nasty. Well my friends, this barefoot behaviour is not just a Brit Brit thing. People in LA barefoot it everywhere – while they’re grocery shopping, grabbing a coffee at Starbucks, browsing at Barnes & Noble or even grabbing a beer. How lazy can one person be if you cannot even put on a pair of shoes to go out? One of my friends is convinced that it’s a beach culture thing. Either way it’s gross.

Britney Spears going to the loo

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